To use The Hummer Network Forums, you must register as a member. This registration is free of charge. By registering, you agree to abide the following Terms of Membership:

YOUR PRIVACY IS RESPECTED. You will NOT be added to any spam lists as a result of registering for these Forums. You personal information will be SECURE.

When you register, you must choose a unique user name or "handle" and you must provide a unique, valid email address. If the email address you enter is invalid, the confirmation email cannot be delivered to you in which case you will be unable to use the Forums, so enter your email address accurately. We may, at our sole discretion, refuse registration to these Forums to anyone, or bar registration from any specific email service or ISP. Any message posted on our Forums expresses only the views of the author of the message and does not necessarily reflect the views of these Forums or any person or entity associated with it. Our Forums use moderators and administrators to monitor the content and appearance of messages posted in our Forums. However, considering the realtime nature of these Forums, it is impossible for us to monitor or review every message. Therefore, you agree that neither these Forums, nor any person or entity associated with it, will be held responsible for the contents, accuracy, completeness or validity of any information posted in it. Messages posted are the intellectual property of the authors of those messages and The Hummer Network and may not be re-published in any way without permission. Selected messages containing useful technical information may be posted to The Hummer Knowledge Base by the Hummer Network owner.

By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages or files which are knowingly false and/or defamatory, abusive, obscene, vulgar, profane, sexually-oriented, harassing, threatening, offensive or in violation of any laws. This includes images and/or avatars. You specifically agree that you will not use these Forums for advertising purposes of ANY kind. You understand that your email address will be visible to members of the mailing lists which are associated with the Forums, even if you choose for it not to be visible on the web forum.

The owners of these Forums have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic, to remove anyone from the Forums or to revoke any privileges of any member at any time for any reason.

By pressing the "Agree" button at the end of this page, you are agreeing to these terms.

Thank You
The Hummer Network